Thursday, February 26, 2015

Biblical Mandate: The Personal Obligation and Urgency for Evangelizing

Over-All Purpose:

The participants will be convinced why evangelizing is a personal obligation and an urgent task to be passionately accomplished.

General Learning Objectives:
The Participants will be able to:
Define evangelism and identify key features of the missionary God in the Bible
Understand the fallen condition of humanity and their need for the Savior
Know that the Sacrifice of Jesus, God manifest in the flesh, who died in our behalf is God’s only remedy for our salvation.
Personally commit to evangelize in response to God’s love in obedience to Jesus’ command.

What is evangelism?
Evangelism is the process of winning a soul and making him a disciple of Jesus Christ.
A. Win souls
B. Make disciples

What is winning souls?

Winning souls is the process of bringing a soul out of the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light.
It is removing him from the power of satan and connecting him to the power of the Holy spirit.
It is setting him free from the bondage of sin to the freedom that is in Christ Jesus.

What is making disciples?The biblical definition of a disciple is a follower of Jesus.
Making a disciple is enabling a person to follow Jesus by:
A. Setting an example Matthew 28:19.
B. Teaching him to obey Jesus in a personal way. That by obeying His commandments, he will remain in Him.
He who has the Son has Life. He who has not the Son has no Life.


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